​Portales Church of the Nazarene
Loving God, Loving People

Join us Friday at 6pm for a time of reflection as we acknowledge the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
There will be time of scripture, guided reflection, prayer, mini-devotional, and Holy Communion.
Following the service will be the showing of The Passion of the Christ.
Come and experience the depth of God's love for us!

Starting Wednesday and going till Saturday evening - join us in a time of fasting. Please considering fasting as fits your ability.
If you choose to fast, let Pastor Vito know so he can add you to the group messages of encouragement, prayers, scriptures, and more.
We will break fast together on Saturday at 6pm. Come join in this time of fellowship and surrender to God.
Come and experience the depth of God's love for us!

All are welcome EASTER SUNDAY to join us in a time of CELEBRATION of our RISEN SAVIOR!
We will start off at 9:30am with a Kids' worship/word and EASTER EGG HUNT!
After this will be our Easter Celebration service starting at 10:30am.